Mi., 22. Januar 2025

  1. entsate Conterer /

    an der gemeng CONTER hunn se dat matt der libération 75 years nach emmer net kapéiert: si hunn mol net den amerikanesche fändel opgehaang, beim monument fir déi gefalen us-zaldoten bei dem „pont de la libération“ ze E’iter! shame on you buergermeeschtesch Zovilé…

  2. Grateful Citizens /

    Dear madam, we hope that you didn’t drive through the small luxembourgish village of Oetrange, on your way to the military us-cimetary of Hamm. You would have passed a Monument for fallen us-sodiers an driven over the bridge „Pont de la libération“ without even the american flag hissed by the commune of Contern! As inhabitants we apoligize for this incredible disrespect of the mayor and her council. With deep respect to our liberators, inhabitants of Contern.

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